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10 Frames Plastic Beehive Propolis Trap Collector
Bees will fill this mat with propolis which you can harvest. Place this plastic mat on the topmost super, underneath the hive
cover. The propolis collector can then be removed from the hive, and the mat rolled or flexed to release the propolis These mats
are reusable.Simply remove mat from hive and roll to break propolis off. It is recommended to place the mat in a freezer before
rolling the propolis off as it will be more easily extracted. Made of high quality plastic material, sturdy and durable to use.
All finishes are non-toxic, safe and Eco-friendly. Perfect tool to collect more pure propolis. Multifunctional propolis collector,
can also be used as a inner cover. Essential beekeeping equipment for beekeepers. It used for langstroth beehive 10 frames.